A portrait of Ken Loach, by award-winning artist Richard Twose
A portrait of Ken Loach, by award-winning artist Richard Twose, will be one of the paintings in a new exhibition of Twose’s works coming to the gallery this March. The portrait has recently been on display at Bath’s Victoria Art Gallery. This will be Richard’s second solo show here.
Twose was awarded 2nd prize at the BP Portrait Award at the National Portrait Gallery in 2014 for his portrait of Jean Woods, and was the winner of 2016 RWA Open Award at the Royal West of England Academy, Bristol. He is currently Artist in Residence at Elisabeth Frink’s studio in Dorset.
Twose is a master of what was once called the non finito. What the phrase implies is not that the painting has been left incomplete, but rather that it has been carried only to a point leaving the spectator something to fill in for himself. This creates a dynamic relationship between the viewer and the painting.
As well as portraits, his beautifully crafted paintings reference, amongst other things, Greek myths, British folklore and quantum physics.
The new exhibition starts on 7th March and runs until 25th March.